
Everyone Makes Mistakes

Even though I was not sure what I supposed to have done,

I told Bee, "I'm sorry. It was my fault."

"It's OK, Mom. Anyone can take mistakes," she cheered me up,
"For example, I tried to give Cocoa her toy..." she continued.

"I thought it was her toy but it was the croissant I was eating.
So you don't have to apologize."
I was relieved and puzzled at the same time.

Why did she take such a mistake?

She hadn't told me that she dropped the croissant so did she eat it?

It remains a mystery but I can say this,
"She has a tender heart and loves me."

My original Japanese entry.

Thanks to Hien for correcting my English.


ねこバス Neko Bus

I'm sorry but Neko Bus is for humans like Satsuki and May.

Do you mind if I beg you to refrain from using the bus?



Although my father bought an iPhone,
he didn't know how to put applications on it so I told him how.

He was so glad to know an especially an application
for listening to the radio on the iPhone.

He said to his grand daughters, "I like best this application that plays radio.
You can listen to it by this Bruce Lee!"

Everyone in the room who heard it told him, "It's bluetooth!"

"What? Bruce Lee is wrong? It's bluetooth?" he lost his confidence,
"OK. But how do you say it correctly, Bee?"

Asking by her grandfather,my daughter of six pronounced clearly, "Bluetooth!"

English and computer terms are still difficult for elderly Japanese people.

My original Japanese entry.

Thanks to liam for correction my English.


Your Comic Is Fun

Bee doesn't often reply immediately
when I call her for dinner so she usually remains at the table.

Tonight, I laid down beside her on the floor.
She told me, "Mom, your comics are so fun!"

As you may know, I have some comic blogs, Japanese and English one.

Since I thought that she read my entries on her iPad at the table,
I answered a little self-consciously, "They are?"

When I looked up at her, I realized that
she pointed to the comics that I was reading.

My original Japanese entry.

Thanks to Molly and Hien for correction my English.


Feet of a Cloud

I love watching the sky at night with Bee after taking a bath.
This night, we sat on the veranda as usual.

I said to her, "It's windy today so the clouds are passing
away one by one.

Look, that cloud is quick-footed!"

"Year?", she looked up at the sky and replied quizzically.

"Mom, clouds don't have any feet."

I knew it!
She doesn't understand metaphors yet.

My original Japanese entry.


Thanks to pretteylittlefeather and Hien for correction my English.